Fifteen years ago today, I had just arrived at work when my boss had told me that I had just missed a telephone call from "some guy," who said he would call back. I had this rather bizarre feeling that the call was from Paul Garrett, our social worker whom we had been talking to about hoping to adopt a baby. Moments later, the telephone rang and I answered. On the other line, it was Paul. I knew it! He then uttered one of the most memorable, vivid sentences I've ever heard my entire life, these words, "This is the call you've been waiting for!" Speechless. All I could do was cry. My boss was staring at me like something horrible had just happened and I couldn't say a word because I was sobbing. Another girl from a nearby office gazed at me while holding the telephone in my hand, trying to determine whether it was good news or bad. I somehow managed to get the point across when I gained a bit of composure. Then the question came to me, which I ask...