If you live in the United States of America and are reading this, will you please do me a favor? Be thankful for large, spacious parking lots and parking in general. It's practically impossible to find a place to park here in Hsinchu, Taiwan--except at Costco. I can always count on Costco. I'm learning to adapt to my new surroundings, but I'm craving a big giant parking lot (just to go park and sit in my car) and a plate of enchiladas about now. I'm also very irritated that we still don't know whether or not we can move into our apartment tomorrow due to the owners adding some legal mumbo jumbo to the contract, so now the company is tied up reviewing it with attorneys before giving it the okay for us to move in. I'm going nuts in this hotel room. Patience is a virtue that I'm lacking today. To that end, I'm not even going to add a picture with this post. So there. P.S. There was a 5.2 earthquake here yesterday, which apparently doesn't concern anyon...