My office is in need of a good cleaning, as usual. A friend of mine in Colorado said that a messy desk is a sign of successful person, or in other words "business is good." A clean desk is the opposite. Well, I'm out to prove that I can have a successful business, and keep my desk clean! Although I've found that it is VERY DIFFICULT! So, that's my goal. Clean my office, keep my desk clean, and keep my business running well, and not neglect the family or the rest of the house! Is that too much to expect of myself?
My office is in need of a good cleaning, as usual. A friend of mine in Colorado said that a messy desk is a sign of successful person, or in other words "business is good." A clean desk is the opposite. Well, I'm out to prove that I can have a successful business, and keep my desk clean! Although I've found that it is VERY DIFFICULT! So, that's my goal. Clean my office, keep my desk clean, and keep my business running well, and not neglect the family or the rest of the house! Is that too much to expect of myself?