So luckily, my husband is a genious and rebuilt my computer for me and I'm up and running again with the lastest, greatest computer in the household. I have Windows new operating system, Vista, which uses tabs. I have yet to appreciate that, as I'm a slow learner in these matters. We are such a computer family because of my husband's enthusiasm and professional background. He designs computer chips, therefore, each person in our family has a computer. I'm not sure how or why that is. It's not like everyone in our family owns his or her own set of stainless mixing bowls and Santuko knives, due to my pampering.
Being married to a computer whiz does come in handy. So, now that I have a new computer, I plan to add some photos and journaling of our latest shenanigans. I do appreciate all the comments from friends and family. And want to say a big "THANK YOU" to Kelly for helping me. Thanks, Honey! You're amazing. I'm sure I'll understand all the new bells and whistles eventually.
Funny that you spelled WHIZ like that because when I was about to add my post, Kelly saw it and said, "I thought WHIZ was short for wizard. So then I edited it to spell that way, wiz. What SHOULD it be, Mrs. Newspaper Lady?
I so look forward to catching up on everyone's blogs and am excited that we've "found" each other through Heidi...the BLOG WHIZ!