So when Kelly flew home last night, my sister, who is much BETTER than Martha Stewart, sent Kelly on the airplane with a loaf of freshly home baked bread. What a wonderful surprise that was. Julie has baked bread for her family for twenty years and never buys store-bought bread. She does it all--grinds the wheat to make the flour, adds all the healthy things to it like flaxseed, etc. She's amazing and my idol.
My sister is an extraordinary chef and even appeared one morning on a cooking segment on a Salt Lake news program where she was invited to share her recipe for a homemade creamy tomato soup--with tomatoes and herbs she grew from her garden. She truly is a a talented homemaker and mother of five wonderful kids (in my unbiased opinion). I adore my little sister. Thank you so much for for the bread, Julie. She also sent some homemade salsa, but I haven't cracked that open yet.
I dream of making all my bread. That picture is making me salivate- what kind is it exactly?
If you would like the recipe for my Autumn Harvest Tomato Soup, I will send it to Kelly and she can forward it to you.
I love homemade bread. Alas, I cannot make it to save my life...