Today is homecoming at my daughter's high school. In my youth, I moved around a lot and went to a ton of different schools, and had to call my friend, Tammy, whom I graduated from high school with to ask her if we had this odd tradition at our alma mater. She said we did, but I know it's nothing like here in Texas! Geez. This is the most unusual thing to me. The girls especially get into this giving and receiving of "mums," as they refer to them. They are basically large award looking ribbons with a fake chrysanthemum in the center, bedazzled with all kinds of ribbons and little plastic trinkets to show school spirit. It's kind of a popularity contest in a way, some girls at school will be covered in mums that they received from friends. It's a huge racket too! They cost a fortune at Michael's and many stores around town have jumped on the mum bandwagon to cash in on the school pride.
I'm a sucker. I only have one daughter, and she's got three more years of high school, so I wanted to make it a homecoming day to remember for her at school, so we headed to the local Mike's and began to fill the cart. Of course, waiting until the night before homecoming is never the best route, so next year, someone please remind me of this. Because the smaller "bases" were sold out, we went with these massive ones (at $17 a pop!) and got one for each of Lindsey's four girlfriends in her early morning seminary class, plus one for her. One can make the whole thing from scratch if you feel so inclined, but I didn't think I'd save any money as the price gauging was going on, and time certainly wasn't on my side at 15 minutes before closing time, with a daughter who still had a big homework project to complete.
The helpful employee at Michael's suggested that I cover the ribbons with a damp towel to iron out the waves or wrinkles, but she neglected to tell me they'd shrivel up and curl into spiral straws as a result. Oh well. They still look better than the waves. Plus by the time I embellish them, these background ribbons will hardly be visible. (Scroll up and back at these last two pics and see if you'd agree.)
We picked out these "awesome" trinkets that I tied on using my silver cord (thanks, Danielle).
And more ribbons, as if there weren't enough, and the mums. Lindsey also made some adorable little W's (for Warriors) with two little feathers out of shrinky dink plastic, to hang those from each mum.
The mums made my chandelier look festive and Halloweenish. Or should I say Halloweeny?
Here's the finished product. I finished my homework and Lindsey finished hers. This is why I always look forward to summers, because I need a break too!
You really cannot tell how long these are without being attached to a person. Lindsey's goes from her shoulder to her ankles almost. I'll be sure to take pictures at the football game with Lindsey wearing her mum. It would be nice to get a group shot in the morning at seminary, but that would require me getting out of my car in my pajamas and walking inside the building. It could happen. Her choir will sing the National Anthem and the school song prior to kickoff.
The things we do for our kids. It must be love. I love you, Lindsey!
coming. ....La Nan's mom :)
How's this for a blast from the past...Bro Vawter (Beneficial Finance??) is selling a house for us. He had many complimentary things to say about you. Small world
Hi LaNan's mom. Tell Br. Vawter hello from me!
All the schools around here do this crazy thing. The supplies in Michael's had colors and ribbons to keep the nearby schools stocked up too.
The girls were thrilled this morning and I did get a group picture. Lindsey promised the boys in her class cookies for next week.
Chris told me all about that tradition too, since he grew up in Houston. I thought it was pretty strange too. But kind of a neat tradition. We just gave each other a corsage or bout. Yours look pretty amazing, my mom might want to hire you!
I can just see the ribbon 'shrivel' happen to me too - couldn't even tell when you were done!
Gotta go start a savings account for all these oddball expenses that are right around the corner for me and my 3 kids! (should I be relieved 2 of them are boys?)
And... to share another local tradition from this area, the "asker" to the major dances set up amazing surprises/banners/light-up-the-sky type of creative invitations to present to the "askee" when they set up dates. It's sure a lot of pressure on these kids, and I know a lot of moms who get pretty involved!