Here it is, Twilight, the Movie, in theaters everywhere. I snapped a picture of Edward and the Cullen clan at the beginning of the movie Friday night, and it was a thrilling time for all of us. Lindsey convinced me to read the books, which I enjoyed, and her dad even got sucked in to the series. To support her excitement, I bought 20 tickets to the movie on Fandango a few weeks ago and sent evites out to several people who I thought might be into Twilight. I should have bought more! We had a great evening and I look forward to seeing it again.
Doug and Sue are always up for a party!
Garrett and his mom, Dachelle, joined the fun.
Alex, Heidi, and Lindsey have been anticipating this day for a long time.
Lisa couldn't talk JL into coming with her, but I was proud of her for coming with us solo.
Jeremy, Amy, Cheryl, and Dave were enthusiastic participants. Cheryl is the reason I organized this event because she's such a big Twilight fan and has gone to NYC and Houston for book signing and Twilight related events.
Darren and Jennie always add an element of excitement to any gathering.
Kelly met me there. He and my friends' husbands plus one other man were the only adult men in the teen-aged packed theater. There were only about five teen young men there with dates.
Sue managed to convince Rick to be there, but he declined the opportunity to be photographed.
Everyone but Sue and Rick liked the movie. It had its flaws, but overall, I really liked it and was glad that the movie stayed quite close to the book. Edward's facial expressions were a little goofy in the beginning when he first met Bella Swan, and Jasper was a bit too much to bear. I could not stand looking at Jacob Black's ridiculous wig, he didn't really look Native American, but rather a dark haired boy with a horrible wig. And his dad didn't fit the part or image I had in my mind. I am already anticipating the next movie and will most likely buy a big lot of tickets for that one too. If you see this post and wish you'd been invited, please let me know and I'll be sure to include you for New Moon.
Are you kidding me? A triathlon and I have never belonged in the same sentence. It must have been time for something new! (The "BEFORE" race shot, with goggles and swim cap in hand.) What an unforgettable week this was! I actually DID enter my first triathlon, with the goal of simply finishing it. Take note of the emphasis on the word FIRST, because I loved it so much, that you can guarantee that there will be more. It was a blast. Seriously. My friends Lorraine and Robin had trained and signed up to do the event, which was two days ago, on Saturday. Three days beforehand, I heard about it and basically had a spontaneous urge to join them, so I registered. The only partial preparation ahead of time that I had been doing was cycling in the neighborhood here and there on my mountain bike with some other friends. And doing some micro-laps in our backyard pool. Our friend, Dave, was also there. The three of us women appreciated Dave's encouragement and support, as he's ...
Always a party where you are Kelly.
I'll update soon too (left camera in Vegas... duh) and a post will be on Twilight! Love that the men were there - none in our group!