I sat there in our gameroom for a few minutes afterward watching this film, thinking about the little boy in the striped pajamas, and how his dad tried to protect him by not telling him what likely happened to his grandparents when they first arrived at the camp and "got sick and were sent to the hospital but never returned." While the whole history of the matter is utterly deplorable, despicable, and makes me sick to my stomach, I thought the movie was very well done and it portrayed the extreme contrasts of the two lifestyles in a way that could attempt to show how this Nazi mindset came to be. The character of the older Jewish man who was a doctor just broke my heart. My heart goes out to every single one of those wonderful human beings who were treated so .....I just cannot even think of a word evil enough to describe how I'm feeling over it. Each of the actors did an incredible job of conveying emotion. Awful story, but an amazing movie.
I will return the favor and recommend a movie to you that is 10/10. "Something the Lord made". It was a "made for TV" movie in 2004, but don't let that stop you from seeing it. It is a fabulous movie that I would venture will be equal to this one that you've recommended.