Kelly and the kids and I actually saw
Star Trek in the theater about a month ago when he returned from Taiwan, but I am just now blogging about it. I enjoyed this movie, even though I thought I would have trouble with Sylar, the Heroes television character, who played Spock. The Captain Kirk character was a doll. I was highly annoyed by the reference to inappropriate relationships with farm animals, which seemed completely unnecessary, but good old Hollywood is trying to do us all a favor by throwing in trash, thinking it's what the people want. Aside from a few other incidents along this line, I still liked it and give it an 7 out of 10. Kelly has always been a fan of the TV show, so he had a lot of anticipation built up for the movie and liked it, so that might have influenced my judgment a bit.
Edited to agree with Greg's comment, to a 7 out of 10 instead of 8.
With Star Trek, I didn't like Spock being so pompous and at odds with Kirk, even though later they fixed all of that. I hated seeing him as an immature Spock, kind of goes against the grain of the all wise Spock that we always knew and loved. I know that is the point they were trying to make with this prequel, that these guys were "young" and "immature" at one time, but I just didn't like Spock being lowered to that. And I think they way over-used the word "illogical". In a weekly show where you hear it 1-3 times, it can be annoying but tolerable. But I just think he said it too many times in this movie. And again it didn't help that I really don't like Gabriel Gray (Syler) which just made anything he said annoying to me.
Other than that, the movie was pretty good actually, and I'd recommend it (maybe a 7).